Dolls for Kids Wrap Dress

Home Forums Makers Make Dolls for Kids Wrap Dress

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    • #4565

      The pattern and directions for this cute dress are finished.  It will be posted on our website under Members-Dolls for Kids by the end of the week.

      I found the fabric in my stash and love how it turned out.

    • #4566
      Janis Rose

      Thank you for creating this adorable dress for the 18-inch doll project, and then going the extra mile to create & post the pattern so others of us who wish can also have the fun of making one (or more).  I appreciate all of your creativity, generosity & effort! 😊

    • #4567

      Super cute!

    • #4570

      Love it.  And heart buttons to match the heart fabric!  A child will have fun playing with your cute little dress.

    • #4574

      Another incredibly cute dress!  And I agree that the heart-shaped buttons are the icing on the cake.

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