Portuegese Street Market

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    • #3432
      Shanna Zak

      We got back from our honeymoon last week.  We went to stay with some friends who live in Spain, but on the border with Portugal, and then to Italy.  While we were with our friends they took us to a street market in Valenca, Portugal.  There’s a large cotton industry in that area and the street market had a bunch of vendors selling deadstock for 2 euro a yard (less than once my friend helped me haggle, lol).  I ended up having to buy another luggage to bring my haul back with me!  I spent all the money I saved there on one 4 meter piece of silk in Italy that I need at least 2 more years of practice before I’ll feel comfortable sewing with though.

    • #3433
      Shanna Zak

      Here’s some of the silk at the shop in Milan.  I bought 4 meters of the purple shell motif fabric.

    • #3434

      Wow, that fabric is gorgeous!

    • #3444

      oooooh, I’m very jealous.  can’t wait to see what you create with your treasures.

    • #3446

      Thank you for sharing about the market experience and your fabric find!

    • #3449

      Look forward to see your fabric haul, and also what you will eventually make from them! Those silks at the shop in Milan – yummy!

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