Membership Chair

Shauna Stern
The responsibilities of the membership chair include the following:
- Maintaining up-to-date membership records for the chapter utilizing the information downloaded from ASG national headquarters.
- Providing membership lists to neighborhood/special interest group leaders and CAB members as requested.
- Keeping the membership application and membership brochure current and available and overseeing its distribution throughout the area served by the chapter.
- Welcoming and involving new members in chapter activities.
- Contacting non-renewing members to determine withdrawal reasons.
- Possibly writing a membership column for the chapter newsletter.
- Developing plans to increase chapter membership, working with the approval and help of the rest of the CAB.
- May involve area retailers in membership drives.
- May use special chapter events to meet and interest non-members.
- May also represent the chapter at community events such as local fabric stores on a big sale day, a community yard sale, etc.
- May host a booth at sewing expos, local fairs highlighting community nonprofit groups, malls, etc., to introduce the chapter to non-members.
- Ensuring that any membership forms and checks received by CAB members are promptly forwarded to ASG national headquarters for processing.