
Cynthia Blair

The secretary is one of the three (3) elected and required positions on the CAB. This position is discussed in detail in the Secretary’s Guide.

The responsibilities of a chapter secretary are the following:

  • Keep the records of the minutes of CAB meetings and the chapter Annual Meeting.
  • Keep the minutes in the records of the chapter as required in the Records Retention Policy.
  • Be in line to succeed the chapter president and to take over duties of the president if the president, optional vice president(s), or treasurer cannot preside at a meeting. Is also the next in line after any optional vice president(s) to fill a vacancy in the presidency for the remainder of the term.
  • Respond to all correspondence received by the chapter as directed by the CAB.
  • Sign the official notice of the chapter Annual Meeting and provide a copy to all members. If the notice is to be published in the newsletter, provide a copy to the newsletter editor in sufficient time for it to be published at least fifteen (15) days prior to the chapter’s annual meeting.
  • Certify minutes of CAB meetings as necessary. Certify election results from annual meeting and submit new officers’ names to the bank(s) used by the chapter as well as any government offices that require such notice.

The secretary shall not chair the nominating committee for annual elections.