Cori Hartje
The treasurer is one of the three (3) elected and required positions on the CAB. This position is discussed in detail in the Treasurer’s Guide.
The responsibilities of a chapter treasurer are the following:
- Serve as the financial officer of the chapter.
- Be next in line to succeed the chapter president and to take over duties of the president if the president, optional vice president(s) or secretary cannot preside at a meeting. Is also the next in line after any optional vice president(s) and secretary to fill a vacancy in the presidency for the remainder of the term.
- With the president, make sure the financial items in the Compliance/Good Standing Policy Checklist are correct and timely to keep the chapter in compliance/good standing.
- Sign the signature form at the bank for all bank accounts.
- Provide bank account information for the CAB/Banking Information Form
- Obtain the approval of the CAB for any bank account changes and supply the new banking information for the CAB/Banking Information form to the chapter president or secretary.
- Work with the president to prepare the chapter’s annual budget for January 1st through December 31st of the next year. Secure approval of current CAB for the budget.
- Hold all funds of the chapter, including funds that are raised for special purposes, in approved bank accounts, and distribute as directed by the CAB.
- Verify expense reimbursement forms received before issuing a chapter check. Assure that expenses are reimbursed in accordance with the chapter’s standing rules, if the chapter has them.
- Work with neighborhood/special interest group leaders on any events involving money or petty cash.
- Deposit checks and cash received into bank accounts promptly.
- Reconcile chapter accounts with bank statements each month.
- Prepare a treasurer’s report each month and present it at CAB meetings.
- Prepare a quarterly Chapter Financial Report and mail, fax, or email it to ASG national headquarters on time.
- Validate monies received from ASG national headquarters against the new and renewal member listings each month.
- Possibly receive reservations and checks for chapter programs and events.
- File Form 1099-MISC and Form 1096 when required.
- Provide cash at chapter events requiring it.
- Works with newsletter editor to Bill all advertising placed in the chapter newsletter, sends a copy of the ad along with the bill, and validates the receipt of payments, and liaison with Newsletter Editor.
- Keep the financial records of the chapter as required in the Records Retention Policy.
- Maintain and provide a complete list of all chapter assets and their whereabouts, whether cash, bank accounts, savings accounts, equipment, or software, etc.