Chapter Education Ideas for 2022

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    • #2571

      Do you have an idea for an education event for 2022? Post a comment here – I’d love to know what kinds of seing skills you want to learn or improve!

    • #2574

      How to sew sharp, clean corners on collars, etc.

      Thanks! Marcia

    • #2926

      Topics and subjects I’ve been pondering and need help on!

      • Tips and hints on evaluating quality of fabric and notions.
      • How-to’s of repurposing garments — how to take apart garments and reuse fabric.  Might include embellishing current garment.
      • Sewing space arrangement or organization — different room size configurations.  How best to store fabric.  Put notions in storage boxes?
    • #2953

      +1 for embellishment ideas. Sometimes when I finish a garment, I’m happy with it but feel like it could use a little something to make it truly special. Maybe something tonal for a subtle uplift, or an accent that doesn’t overwhelm the garment.

      +1 for sewing space ideas. I’m most interested in ideas for maximizing workspace in a converted bedroom. Storage is always a challenge, but there are great options for using “dead” floor space, closets, and wall space once I work through my cutting/stitching/pressing workspaces.


    • #3048

      Hi Maris,

      Our Skagit Group wants to know more about projecting pdfs directly onto fabric including what kind of equipment, room etc are needed. And a demo would be great!

    • #3357

      Adding this one in general, maybe for 2023?!

      Techniques, skills, and resources to identify fabric content:

      I lurk at Value Village, Goodwill, yard sales, etc for fabric. For smaller projects, i.e. pin cushions, I’m not as concerned about fiber content.  But if I find a few yards of fabric, I’m hoping for a top, vest, or something similar.   Am wondering if there is interest in “how to identify fabric content” for a class or workshop.  Have sent a few finds into a cool water spin ==> have a few yards to work with, could show some “it’s shrunk, obviously not okay for washing” experiences” and a good number of wash cycles, fabrics still intact.

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