We have some fun future programs planned:
Paula Matthews will present a program on the Ruth E Carter Exhibit at the Museum of Popular Culture at Seattle Center. You may remember that Ruth E. Carter won the Academy Award for the costumes she designed for the movie, “Black Panther”. She has done creative costumes for many movies. Paula has volunteered at MoPOP, assisting patrons in draping their own costumes. If you have a chance, see the exhibit. Also watch this video on Ruth E Carter’s philosophy for costume design: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmvBrpkgBF0
We have 2 interesting programs about pants coming up in December and January.
December: Jessica Rasmussen will present the program on The History of Pants. Did you ever stop to think that there was a time when even men did not wear pants. Jessica has researched the subject and has interesting pictures and information,
January: Jessica Rasmussen will present on pattern drafting of pants